So here we are at KOC again. Let me go back about two weeks ago, Kassie was jumping on the trampoline with her brother Hayden and he fell on her arm. Of course she was crying, but I got her calmed down so I could look at her arm. There was no swelling, no bruising and she could move it and said it didn't hurt. So a few days went by and she may have complained some, but she still played softball, never said it hurt, played at home, at school, and of course played on the trampoline. Last Thursday I noticed that a knot had came up, still never complained, so I called and got her in the next morning at KPA, her doctor. The doctor did x-rays and sure enough it was broke, from there we headed to KOC to get a cast on. The doctor there said the bone had actually already started healing. We was in the doctor for two and a half hours. So after we finally left the doctor, Kassie and I treated ourselves to Wasabi's for lunch. She goes back to get the cast off the day before we go on vacation. I felt so bad that she had went that long with a broke arm and we didn't even know it. Kids are tougher than we think they are. So for the past two months both of my daughter's have been in a cast. How crazy is that, I am going to lock Hayden in his bedroom and hope he doesn't get hurt. Ha!
Here the nurse is putting Kassie's cast on. It was the same one that put Taylor's cast on.
Of course Kassie chooses PINK!
I was so glad she got a short arm cast. Bath time is much easier...
Kassie and I got bored while we was waiting so we took pictures. But she said the funniest thing to me, "mommy I told you my brain said I needed a cast."
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