Kassie and Hayden had to say goodbye to a friend this week. His name is Octavius Harris. He moved here a few months ago and has been staying with his grandparents. This past Sunday he moved back to Georgia. Kassie has become really good friends with him, they just so happen to have been in the same room at school. It was so funny because she came home one day from school telling me she had a boyfriend, so asked what his name was, Octavius. I thought to myself that name sounds familiar? It is my cousin Jason's son HA! I was like Kassie he is your cousin so he can't be your "boyfriend". I think we may have our hands full with our little girl. Already boy crazy!!! When I told Kassie that he was moving I thought she was going to cry, it just broke my heart. Kassie invited him over last week to play for a few hours. Here are a few pics.