My little babies turned 7 on April 19. There party was at the complex, I ended up having to change plans for there birthday when I was told that Hayden was playing a make up game that day. It worked out really well, after his game we all just headed to the pavilion. I have to thank my best friend Candy for setting everything up so I could watch his game. We went through 8 large pizzas, 4 bags of chips, 48 cupcakes, 48 cokes and 30 capri suns. We are so thankful to have such great family and friends. Thank you all for celebrating there Birthday with us.
Clay, Blaine, Parker, Hayden.
Kassie with her new bike. We are still working on taking off the training wheels. Aubrey has took them off, but she has learned how to put them back on.
Just what we wanted....
Hayden on his new ride. He can now ride without the training wheels. I am not sure that I am going to survive, he is a little dare devil and my nerves can't take it. He rides down the hill on the driveway just as fast as he can go, I told him to slow down. He said "Mom I am going to wreck and it will hurt and I will cry but I will get back up and do it again."
Opening Ceremonies was on April 4, for the first time in about 4 years it did not rain. This is Taylor's 6th year playing. She moved up to kid pitch this year, which was alot different for her. The third game of the season she broke her hand, she was running from 1st to 2nd and another player stepped into the base line and they collided. She only had to wear her cast for 3 weeks, so she did get to play the last 3 games. Hayden is on his 3rd year playing. He should have moved up to 7-8 year old league, but he is very small for his age and I did not think he was ready. All though he did very well playing with the 5-6 year olds. Someday he will hit his growth spurt.
Taylor getting ready to run....
Just thinking??????
Here is my little man getting ready to swing.
Hey, throw me the ball...
Just waiting..........
Taylor and Brittany
Taylor and Tatum
The Cubs lined up and ready to walk onto the field.
On Saturday we went to Robbie and Kim's and had a cookout and egg hunt for the kids. It was alot of fun, if only we would have had better weather. On Sunday we went to my sister's to eat and do another egg hunt. This year was alot of fun for the twins because all they cared about was finding the prize egg. Taylor on the other did not want to hunt for eggs this year, she decided she would hide them. I was a little upset, my little girl is growing up.
All the kids at Robbie and Kim's house on Saturday.
Kassie was so happy she won a gift card for finding the most eggs.
Hayden was very excited that he found the PRIZE egg.
All the grand kids ready to hunt eggs. They was so mad that I made them take a picture first. Can't you tell by Hayden's smile, he is just like here, now hurry up.....
Aubrey and I started dating when I was a freshman in high school. We got married April 4,1998. Aubrey works here in rockwood as a broker. I am a stay home mom. On August 10,1999 we had Taylor Brooke Jones. She is a very outgoing and active little girl. A few years laters on April 19,2002 we had a set of twins, Kassie Breanne Jones and Hayden Aubrey Jones. Kassie is a PRINCESS!!! That pretty much describes her to a tee. Hayden on the other hand is full of life. He is definitly all boy. So these days we are busy and never home. Now that our kids are a little older they are into sports, dance, tumbling and so on, so as you can see we always have something going on. These are the days we will never forget.