Tuesday, September 23, 2008


First of all I would like to say Happy Birthday to my Dad. Linda took my Dad to Ashville, NC for a few days for his birthday. They went White Water Rafting, Cherokee to gamble and last to the Sugarland concert. Linda ended up having a extra ticket, so my sister called me and asked if I wanted to come up there. I wasn't really sure about driving for two hours by myself. I ended up leaving early Saturday morning and got there long enough to hang out at the cabin for awhile then go to town and eat before the concert. I am so GLAD I went. I had the best time and I don't think I have ever laughed so hard in my life. When we went to pick up the tickets, we was on the second row right in the middle of the stage. I was so excited, I have been to several concerts and never been this close. I have to say it was the best concert I have been to. Ashton Shephard opened for Sugarland and she was very good as well. Thank you Linda for inviting me and to your son Buster for the great tickets....

Me and my Dad on the way to the concert.

Linda and her friend Mare.

Ashton Shephard


Jennifer rolled over the crowd in this huge ball.

This is her right over my head.