Wednesday, September 3, 2008


This was the first year we have went to Boomsday. We had alot of fun, but it was sooooo hot. And of course there was no shade. We didn't really know what to expect and we got up there around four, the fireworks was not until nine thirty. It was definitely to hot to spend four and a half hours out in the heat. So we got something to eat and let the kids so some stuff, then we decided to head to Hooters to eat. By the way that is Hayden's favorite place to eat. Then we went back and decided that we would park in a parking lot just off of Kingston Pike to watch the fireworks. I have to say we had pretty good seats and no traffic to fight when it was over. The fireworks was absolutely beautiful, I have never seen anything like it before. Of course we ended the night with a trip to Krispy Kreme.

Taylor was in a Hula Hoop contest. She did not win, but she did a very good job....

Taylor and Hayden doing a little fighting.

Kassie loved this slide, I bet she went down it twenty times....


Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to bring my boys down one day to play with your kids. I know they would have a blast and me and you haven't had a chance to catch up in years! I work and go to college full time, but I will make time if you let me know what's good for you!!! Your kids are ADORABLE and they look very well rounded. You all should be proud!!